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Thursday, June 5, 2008


Complementary & Alternative Medicine Center

Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) refers to therapies that are used along with traditional medicine (complementary) or in place of it (alternative). Some CAM methods are commonly used in pain management and other areas, including biofeedback, acupuncture and acupressure.

Energy & Fatigue Center

Fatigue is a common symptom or side effect of many medical conditions and their treatments. Patients with cancer, diabetes, digestive disorders and allergies commonly fight fatigue. Chronic fatigue syndrome involves debilitating, long lasting fatigue. Fatigue is also an initial symptom of many less serious conditions such as infections.

First Aid & Safety Center

Safety issues include taking steps to prevent hazards such as choking, drowning or poisoning. Other good precautions include wearing seatbelts and strapping on helmets when playing certain sports and wearing sunscreen outdoors. Knowing proper first aid and CPR techniques also is key to being prepared for emergencies.

Skin & Aging Center

Aging causes many skin changes, including sags, wrinkles and altered texture. Medications and procedures can improve the skin's appearance, a process known as facial skin rejuvenation. Damaged skin may be removed (such as through chemical peels and laser resurfacing) or enhanced (such as through Botox injections, soft tissue augmentation, blepharoplasty or fat transfer).

Skin & Hair Basics

Proper skin care is vital to good health and techniques such as shaving and piercing are forms of personal expression. Skin damage can occur through sun exposure, smoke exposure or frostbite, as well as daily life (e.g., corns, bunions and calluses). Skin injury may include bite wounds, bruises, burns and cuts or other common wounds. Sunscreens can help prevent skin damage.

Smoking & Tobacco Center

Quitting smoking is one of the best things people can do for their heart and overall health. Smoking related diseases are well documented, as are the many toxins in tobacco smoke. Other tobacco products (smokeless) carry many of the same risks.


The effects of stress on the body are well documented and stress management can reduce the risk of a number of diseases, including heart-related problems. Stress is also a huge aspect of emotional health problems. Breathing exercises, relaxation exercises and meditation exercises can all be useful in managing stress.

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