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Thursday, June 5, 2008


Meditation reduces stress and anxiety... increases mental abilities, focus, concentration... and creates the consciousness to be in control of one's life!

These benefits have now been documented in over 1,000 published studies conducted at over 200 universities and research facilities, including such notable institutions as Harvard Medical School, Stanford University, University of Chicago, and UCLA.
Holosync Makes Learning Meditation Easy

Holosync is a sophisticated form of audio technology that induces the brain wave patterns of deep meditation. Users experience all the benefits of a traditional meditation practice, but in an accelerated time-frame.

You will literally meditate like a Zen monk at the touch of a button.
The Benefits of Using Holosync Include:
» More happiness and flow in your life
» Heightened mental abilities, creativity and problem solving skills
» Dramatic reduction in stress and anxiety
» Improved sense of mental, emotional and physical well-being
» Super-charged confidence and motivation
» Optimal focus, concentration, memory and learning
» Better, more restful sleep
» Increased production of vital neurochemicals proven to slow aging and keep the body young
» Accelerated healing of unresolved mental and emotional blocks

How does Holosync produce these benefits for its users?

Holosync's ability to increase synchronous neuro-electrical activity between the two hemispheres of the brain, and it's ability to drive the nervous system to higher levels of functioning over time, naturally bring about some remarkable improvements in cognitive functioning.

Learning ability, creativity, problem-solving, focus and concentration, memory, and intuition are among the areas typically showing dramatic improvement.

Here's what experienced Holosync users have to say...
"Not everybody has two hours a day to sit, nor do many people have the discipline to sit there for two hours and meditate--they just don't have the time or the patience. Holosync really helps you do helps you get the benefits of meditation without making that much effort."

— Colette Bourassa


Complementary & Alternative Medicine Center

Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) refers to therapies that are used along with traditional medicine (complementary) or in place of it (alternative). Some CAM methods are commonly used in pain management and other areas, including biofeedback, acupuncture and acupressure.

Energy & Fatigue Center

Fatigue is a common symptom or side effect of many medical conditions and their treatments. Patients with cancer, diabetes, digestive disorders and allergies commonly fight fatigue. Chronic fatigue syndrome involves debilitating, long lasting fatigue. Fatigue is also an initial symptom of many less serious conditions such as infections.

First Aid & Safety Center

Safety issues include taking steps to prevent hazards such as choking, drowning or poisoning. Other good precautions include wearing seatbelts and strapping on helmets when playing certain sports and wearing sunscreen outdoors. Knowing proper first aid and CPR techniques also is key to being prepared for emergencies.

Skin & Aging Center

Aging causes many skin changes, including sags, wrinkles and altered texture. Medications and procedures can improve the skin's appearance, a process known as facial skin rejuvenation. Damaged skin may be removed (such as through chemical peels and laser resurfacing) or enhanced (such as through Botox injections, soft tissue augmentation, blepharoplasty or fat transfer).

Skin & Hair Basics

Proper skin care is vital to good health and techniques such as shaving and piercing are forms of personal expression. Skin damage can occur through sun exposure, smoke exposure or frostbite, as well as daily life (e.g., corns, bunions and calluses). Skin injury may include bite wounds, bruises, burns and cuts or other common wounds. Sunscreens can help prevent skin damage.

Smoking & Tobacco Center

Quitting smoking is one of the best things people can do for their heart and overall health. Smoking related diseases are well documented, as are the many toxins in tobacco smoke. Other tobacco products (smokeless) carry many of the same risks.


The effects of stress on the body are well documented and stress management can reduce the risk of a number of diseases, including heart-related problems. Stress is also a huge aspect of emotional health problems. Breathing exercises, relaxation exercises and meditation exercises can all be useful in managing stress.


Body Image & Weight

Fitness starts from the inside. Love that beautiful woman looking back at you, and she'll start looking better and better. By setting realistic weight-loss goals and trying to reach your ideal weight, you’ll start feeling healthier and more confident in your own body. Whether you want to boost your body image in the bedroom or think more positively about your figure, having realistic diet goals and an ideal weight in mind will help you learn to love the body you have.

Celebrity Diet & Workouts

Learn how you can tone up and slim down in no time with celebrity diet and workout tips. Get advice from the hottest bodies in Hollywood on exercise, weight loss, staying motivated and more. From fad diets to personal trainers, celebrities have tried it all. See the plans and programs celebrities pay big bucks for.


Dieting 101

Sticking to a diet isn’t always easy, especially when you have to give up your favorite foods for low-calorie alternatives. The best way to stay on a diet is to find healthy snacks and low-calorie diet foods you enjoy. Learn how to avoid emotional eating and master portion control to stay on course and get the best results from your diet.

Overeating & Emotional Eating

Whether it’s stress, anger or anxiety that causes you to overeat you have the power to break free from emotional eating and stick to your diet plan. Train yourself to stop emotional eating for good and regain control of your eating habits by understanding what triggers your cravings and makes you overeat.

Eating Out

There’s more to eating out on a diet than nixing the breadbasket. You also need to master portion control, avoid eating foods high in fat and cholesterol and order healthy desserts. Learn how to eat out on a diet, find healthy restaurants and choose low-calorie foods on the menu that won’t blow your weight-loss plan

Nutrition Tips

Remember when you were a kid and had to eat what Mom put in front of you? Now that your eating habits are your own, you need to know how to sort through nutrition facts and figures on a food label and understand what foods are high in vitamins and minerals. Eating right doesn’t have to mean eating dull. Learn the basics of taste-tempting nutrition.

Portion Control

Most restaurant portion sizes are double – sometimes triple! – the amount you should consume for weight loss. Cutting calories and eating less requires the art of portion control. Learn how to eat less and control your portions by making sense of serving sizes.

Super Foods

When it comes to vitamins and minerals, superfoods pack a powerful punch. Superfoods often contain antioxidants, fat-burning enzymes and a long list of essential nutrients to help you lose weight, fight disease, live longer and feel healthier. Get the scoop on the top superfoods that everyone needs to lose weight and stay healthy - and where to find them.

About Yoga

Yoga is an exercise system that consists of a series of poses, postures and positions. The practice of yoga began in India about 5,000 years ago to promote union of mind, body and spirit.

Yoga is a physical and spiritual practice with roots in ancient India but with relevance to daily life in modern times. The typical workout blends strength, flexibility and body awareness with a series of poses, postures and positions called “asanas”.

While there are many forms of yoga, most yoga newbies find Hatha the best school of yoga to start with. It includes all of the basic yoga moves and breathing exercises, but leaves out the spiritual aspects of some other forms. There are also many different styles of Hatha yoga, some more meditative, some more physically vigorous.

One of the most appealing aspects of yoga is its ability to promote flexibility and relaxation. Most gyms offer classes or you can check your phone book for a local yoga studio. Most places offer classes in a variety of skill levels and times throughout the week. If classes aren’t your thing, check out a yoga DVD, TV program or book to help guide you through a routine.

Yoga can be practiced to enhance overall health, to improve balance, to heal and prevent injuries, to strengthen muscles and to open the body for meditation. Yoga's increasing popularity is proof that many people value an exercise system that engages the mind, body and spirit in equal measure. If you've never done yoga before, give it a try and see what it can do for you.

Upside of Yoga

Most people begin to see and feel improvements in their flexibility, strength and stress levels after only a few classes.

Yoga energizes your body and the associated meditation can help calm your mind.

Yoga can be done nearly anywhere, just remember to pack your mat on your next business trip.

You need very little equipment. A basic class typically runs $5-$20 a session.

A sense of camaraderie can develop among students taking the same class. You and your yoga buddies will gently encourage each other.

When you master proper positioning, it feels great and then you’ll feel more comfortable doing yoga at home on your own.

Downside of Yoga

If flexibility isn't your strong suit, you need yoga, but trying to get into and out of some of the asanas may be frustrating.

Yoga has its own terminology and you may feel as if you're trying to learn a foreign language as well as get your body into shape.

Large classes mean less individual instruction from the teacher so you may not use the right technique for the best, most comfortable results

Liz Neporent, MA on Yoga

Yoga may not seem a great workout for weight loss, but first glances can be deceiving. You won’t burn a whole lot of calories while doing yoga, but it gives other benefits.

For one, yoga will help you build muscle. With more muscle, you’ll maintain a higher metabolism even while at rest.

Yoga also improves your flexibility and posture, which will help you look taller and thinner and may help you burn more calories during other exercises, such as walking. While yoga may not be enough to get you to your weight loss goal, it is definitely a step in the right direction.

iVillagers Say

"Bikram yoga has changed my life and healed my chronic back pain. It doesn't happen overnight, nor is it handed to you on a silver platter, but if you respect your body and start to believe in the poses, you will find that yoga is the secret to a happy and well rested body. I feel young again!" --An iVillager

"I began my practice of yoga 26 years ago and it has changed my life in many ways: I am both strong and flexible (physically and emotionally); I am able to manage stress in my life; and I no longer place value on material possessions -- contentment lies in the present moment!" --iVillager jane2256

See what other iVillagers have to say and weigh-in with your own comments and stories on our Yoga Message Board.

Is Yoga for You?

This chart can help you see how yoga fits your goals and lifestyle concerns.Body Parts Worked Overall body flexibility and strength
Calories Burned About 180 an hour for a 150-pound person, 240 for a 200-pound person.
Gear A mat is good if not essential; other props, such as ropes, blankets and blocks, may also be used.
Location Almost anywhere
Time Most classes last 30-90 minutes.
Schedule/Flexibility The range of classes available can accommodate most schedules or you can do your yoga routine anytime on your own.

Yoga Tips

Yoga classes range from moderately taxing to extremely challenging, so choose one that suits your abilities and fitness level.

A good yoga instructor should appear calm and in control, explaining movements before doing them.

When doing yoga at home, be sure you have enough space. Nothing disrupts the peace like knocking an elbow into the leg of a coffee table.

Yoga beginners may find classes intimidating, but having an instructor will help make sure you are getting into position correctly. Plus, with support of the group you may push yourself to try postures you’d skip at home.Liz Neporent, MA on Yoga

Yoga may not seem a great workout for weight loss, but first glances can be deceiving. You won’t burn a whole lot of calories while doing yoga, but it gives other benefits.

For one, yoga will help you build muscle. With more muscle, you’ll maintain a higher metabolism even while at rest.

Yoga also improves your flexibility and posture, which will help you look taller and thinner and may help you burn more calories during other exercises, such as walking. While yoga may not be enough to get you to your weight loss goal, it is definitely a step in the right direction.

iVillagers Say

"Bikram yoga has changed my life and healed my chronic back pain. It doesn't happen overnight, nor is it handed to you on a silver platter, but if you respect your body and start to believe in the poses, you will find that yoga is the secret to a happy and well rested body. I feel young again!" --An iVillager

"I began my practice of yoga 26 years ago and it has changed my life in many ways: I am both strong and flexible (physically and emotionally); I am able to manage stress in my life; and I no longer place value on material possessions -- contentment lies in the present moment!" --iVillager jane2256

See what other iVillagers have to say and weigh-in with your own comments and stories on our Yoga Message Board.

7 Highly Effective Web Techniques For Free Traffic Generation

We all know that traffic is the most essential thing for a successful Internet business company. There are a lot of reliable ways to jumpstart your traffic flows, though most of them would cost some money. In this article I'd like to tell you about my favorite web promotion tactics, which wouldn't cost you a single cent. Moreover, some of them will save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars. The first tactic alone can generate you over $2,000 equivalent of free targeted traffic.

Well, here are the seven surefire technics capable of skyrocketing your traffic starting from today.

1) Free Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising That Works

The Adwords by Google, Yahoo's Overture and many other PPC search engines provide great sources of targeted Internet. They are very truly popular among web marketers. However, as the PPC search engine managers wish to expand their customer base so they need to convince people like you that pay per click advertising really works.

Here is the good news, there are dozens of PPC search engines who will give you up to $100 in free credits to prove that pay per click advertising will work for you. To claim your credits all you need do is visit the various engines and web directories and sign-up. There are no catches and it won't cost you anything except your time.

It couldn't be simpler to obtain such free PPC advertising. The table at this page: lists over 60 Pay Per Click Search Engines offering in excess of $2,000 of free web promotion credits. One after another select the PPC search engines from the list, click on the links to open the corresponding sign-up pages and sign up for your free advertising accounts.

2) Use Profitable Keywords Or Keyword Niches For Your Site's Content

Generally, internet users use search engines to find what they are looking for. Search engines in return use keyword rankings to give away relevant search results. If you'd like your site to appear at the top lines of search engine results, you must use proper keywords and keyword phrases.

Try to employ the most profitable (of higher demand) keywords at your site content. You could write your own content or you could hire someone to do it for you. If you're writing content on yourself you have to make it more entertaining as well as informative.

In doing so, you can get high rankings in search engine results and strong incoming traffic without any costs.

3) Exchange Links With Partner Sites

Another great idea is trading links with partner (or even competitor) sites. This works well especially when both sites feature the same niche.

Exchanging or trading links with other sites, both of them could benefit. When one site features another sites link, they will provide one another with the traffic they both generate.

The efforts are doubly beneficial because it seems like both sides are working to generate doubly enhanced traffic. The more links exchanged with more sites the more traffic could be expected.

And again, you don't have to spend a cent. All you have to do is to communicate to another webmaster and to reach with him an agreement.

4) Write Articles And Publish Them Across The Internet

There are a lot of sites that offer free submission and posting of your articles. You'd better to submit articles to sites containing the same subject that your site deals in. If you sell computers write press releases and articles about computers and computer parts. Try to provide helpful tips guides and good advice. Writing articles that contain good service and knowledge would bring the necessary mileage your traffic flow needs.

When people find in your article something of interest, you have good chances of following the track by finding out where the article originated. It lasts for you just to attach a brief description of your site or service at the end of the article and to include a link.

5) Join Forums, Blogs And Other Online Communities

You can take advantage of online forums, blogs and web communities. The great thing about forums and online communities is that you can target a certain group that fits the certain demographic that you are looking for. You can discuss about lots of things about the goods or services that you represent or offer.

With online communities and forums you can build a reputation for your company. You must capture the market niche you represent and show your expertise and credibility. When you created a good foundation for your site, people will trust you and your web business. Your customers will pass on their trust and credibility to many people all over the Internet. Traffic will certainly increase because they know that you can provide what they need.

6) Offer Newsletters Or eZines

You can also make use of newsletters. Provide people with a catalog of your products and interesting useful articles. If your texts are really interesting and entertaining, more people will sign up for your newsletter and recommend it to other people. The more people who signs up for your newsletter, the more people there will be willing to visit your site. So, if you arouse the curiosity of your customers they would be pushed to help you growing your traffic.

7) Use Advantages Of Viral Marketing

Viral marketing is a promotional method that allows you to spread the word about your company and product without any costs. All it takes is to bring a great idea, a good addicting game, a funny story; many ideas are still out there. Create a gossip or a buzz, many web projects are advertised by using scandals and rumors to make them more popular.

Also you can provide your web site visitors with content they wouldn't read anywhere else. People will stay longer at your web site to read the original content. With this method, people get infected with the creativity and entertainment of the website content and they will pass it on to many people.

Each of the above mentioned methods can drive streams of free traffic to your website. All it takes is a bit of effort and extended man hours. Learn all you can about the techniques depicted here and you will soon have a site with a great traffic flow without the usual costs that come with it.

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